Avalanches and dead reindeer when the heat rises in Kiruna

Avalanches and dead reindeer when the heat rises in Kiruna

REXSAC researcher Ninis Rosqvist and Sami village Gabna’s Chairman Lars-Ànte Kuhmunen tell of two dramatic happenings in Kiruna 2018.

Kiruna is one of the places where temperatures have risen most since 1860. Now comes the bill: avalanches, dead reindeer and poor water quality. ” Your weather skills are not enough anymore. It will be like a lottery, “said Lars-Ànte Kuhmunen, chairman of Gabna Sami Village in Kiruna, who lost 400 reindeer because of wet snow.

For our Swedish speakers see the article and interview here.











Lars-Ànte Kuhmunen The two Photos: Peter Wixtr Öm/Aftonbladet




Winters are shorter. 
Photo Credit: Peter Wixtr Öm/Aftonbladet
