Workshop Report: Supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry

Workshop Report: Supplementary feeding in reindeer husbandry

This report is based on a collaborative workshop that was organized by researchers from three Nordic Centres of Excellence related to Arctic sustainability, REXSAC being one. REXSAC researcher, Élise Lépy, was one of three coordinating lead authors, and main organizers for the event which took place in Kiruna, Sweden,  22 – 23 March, 2018.

The workshop developed as a response to the concerns raised by reindeer herders on the increased need to buffer catastrophic grazing conditions with supplementary feeding in Norway, Finland and Sweden during the past decades. Grazing conditions have become increasingly difficult in the past decades due to both difficult weather conditions and a more general loss of or access to grazing areas and ‘grazing peace’. 

This report shares the stories and experiences of the herders who participated in the workshop and reflects the realities in the reindeer herding areas where they are active.

It summarizes the major topics that emerged during the workshop and targets the reindeer herding community in each country, but also to government authorities, representatives of other forms of land use in Norway, Sweden and Finland, as well as others with an interest in the complexities inherent in supplementary feeding of reindeer.

Download the report in English found on this page and please reach out to Élise Lépy for versions in Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian and Sámi.


