Mining heritage as a resource

November 17th, 2016

New projects: Mining heritage as a resource

How do cultural and physical geographical legacies of mining shape the possibilities for remaking and reusing former extraction sites? This question is in focus for two newly funded projects on the theme “Mining Heritage as a Resource for Sustainable Communities”, both led by REXSAC researcher Dag Avango. A project funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) will focus particularly on the Norrbotten region of Sweden. It regards mining legacies as resources capable of multiple interpretations and critically considers how environments are constructed as heritage — or why they are not. A linked project funded by Formas will focus more strongly on tourism. It looks in particular on how cultural values and different forms of mining create historical narratives around mining in different parts of the Arctic. The aim is to draw lessons from across the circumpolar North and relate these to contemporary debates in Sweden. In addition to Dag Avango, the projects will also involve REXSAC researchers Ninis Rosqvist, Peder Roberts, and Albina Pashkevich.


Kirunavaara iron ore mine - a legacy of mining with a multitude of contradicting narratives attached to it. Photo: Dag Avango, 2015.
